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The Best Desktop Aquarium

pea puffer swimming in fish tank

The best desktop aquarium should be affordable, quality-made, and easy to work with. If you want a desktop aquarium, there are many to choose from.

Why Get a Desktop Aquarium?

Why would anyone want such a small aquarium anyway? A one-gallon aquarium simply can’t be any fun. Well, one-gallon fish tanks can be a bit small, but desktop aquariums have a wide range of sizes. They can come in one-gallon, on up two give-gallons. And actually, an aquarium of any size can add a lot to your living space or office. It just depends on the amount of space you have, and what you are looking to achieve with your tank. I think any fish tank can offer a lot. Fish are very calming to watch. I never thought I’d enjoy my fish (and blue crayfish) as much as I do.

Desktop aquariums are a good choice because:

[Help Keeping Your Tank Algae-Free]

Finding the Best Desktop Aquarium

To find the best desktop aquarium, you could go shop until you drop if you’d like. But I’m just going to give you my opinion on what I personally think is the best desktop aquarium. It might save you some time in your quest to find a tank.

The Aqueon MiniBow

My pick for the best desktop aquarium is the Aqueon MiniBow. Here’s why.

First of all, I know Aqueon products. And from my personal experience, they are excellent. My first aquarium was an Aqueon 10-gallon tank. The MiniBow also comes in different sizes. You can get a one-gallon MiniBow on up to a five-gallon.

The Aqueon tanks usually come with absolutely everything you need to get started. This means your light, water conditioner, fish food and pump all come in one aquarium kit. This saves you the hassle of having to run out and find all of the individual pieces needed to set up your fish tank. Additionally, Aqueon tanks are extremely easy to assemble. You will save yourself a headache with an Aqueon tank.

The MiniBow tank does come with everything you to get started, but you will need to purchase the items below separately:

Additional Items for Getting Started with Your Desktop Aquarium

  1. Gravel for the bottom of the tank.
  2. A small ornament for the tank.
  3. A fake plant.
  4. A vacuum to clean the tank.

Of all of the desktop aquariums available on the market, in my opinion, this again is probably one of the best desktop aquariums. However, just remember there are other great desktop aquariums available.

What people are saying about the Aqueon 1-Gallon Mini Bowl

We were looking for a small tank that was quiet. This one is great. It looks nice and we never hear it. For the first few days I kept checking it to be sure the filter was working. Very happy with this purchase... more
This tank is great.I keep a betta and 1 african dwarf frog in there.the filter is not too strong for the betta or the frog and it keeps the water crystal clear. it is roomier than a 1 gallon tank seems.i got a mini heater and the betta and the frog are happy.This tank rocks!!!however do not leave the light on for too long it is not meant as all day lighting because it will get too hot and it will deform the hood... more

For a few years I’ve enjoyed having a Betta in a globe fish bowl on my desk at work... more

What Types of Fish Can be Put in the Tank?

As far as fish to put in the tank, you want to put in small hardy fish that are not aggressive, and preferably fish to put out a lot of waste. Generally, the rule is one gallon of water per inch of fish. So, one downside to a smaller tank is the limitations on the number of fish you can put in the tank. However, a smaller desktop aquarium can still be enjoyable.

If you had a five-gallon tank, you would want to stock the tank with no more than about two to four fish, depending on the types of freshwater fish you selected. Personally, I’d suggest something like danios, tiger barbs, and tetras.

Don’t use betta fish because they are just too aggressive. Also, I’d suggest not using goldfish because they put out entirely too much waste.

You’ve Just Bought the Best Desktop Aquarium, Now…

So you have just bought the best desktop aquarium you know to buy, now what?

The first step will be to add a little gravel to the bottom of the tank. Also, you may want to add a plant and some type of ornament. I’d recommend artificial plants.

The second step will be to add your water, condition it first by adding your water conditioner that came with the kit. The directions are right on the bottle. This is a very easy step.

Next, you want to cycle your tank (go to, “Set Up a Crayfish Tank” and scroll down to number 4.). This is literally the most important part of setting up any fish tank! No matter if the tank is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 500 gallons, the water has to be cycled and have a biofilter to remove toxins from the fish poop or your fish will die.

After you have cycled your tank, add one fish. If he lives for three days or so, then your tank is most likely cycled enough to add another.

Other Tips for Your Fish Tank

  1. You should change out 15 to 20% of your water every two weeks or 10% of your water every week, the choice is yours.
  2. Make sure you vacuum the gravel every two weeks.
  3. Don’t overfeed your fish. This excess food will rot and contribute to the growth of unwanted algae.
  4. Leave the light on for about eight hours every day.
  5. Don’t keep your fish tank in the direct line of sunlight, this will also lead to the overgrowth of algae.
  6. And finally, don’t let your fish smoke (That was a joke.)

Please note, all of the info in this article is based on my personal experience and research. Good luck!

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