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Platinum Arowana: A Unique and Expensive Fish

platinum arowana swimming

In this blog, I’ll discuss the platinum Arowana. A fish that is beautiful, unique, and extremely expensive, among other things, like being illegal to own in the United States.

There are lots of beautiful and unique freshwater fish that can be kept by aquarists around the world, but only a few seem to rank with the platinum Arowana. It’s a highly sought after fish, and once you take a look at it, you might see why. Also, let me reiterate, these fish are illegal to own in the United States.

Let’s dive in and take a closer look.

Platinum Arowana: Where are They From?

The platinum Arowana, or osteoglossum bicirrhosum, is a tropical freshwater fish. It’s an extremely aggressive fish that is very predatory and very territorial. Because of this, they must be kept in very large fish tanks.

Platinum Arowanas are found in Southeast Asia, and the fish is sometimes called the “Asian Arowana” or the “dragon fish.” Which makes sense based on the physical appearance of the Arowana.

Other than Asia, the platinum Arowana can also be found in both Australia and South America.

A Mesmerizing Fish

I’ve only had the opportunity to see a live Arowana once in my life. When I first laid yes on the fish, I was blown away. These fish have a prehistoric look and are truly remarkable fish. Funny, I thought my blue crayfish was something, and he is, but the Arowana was something different.

The platinum Arowana has a long, slim, and sleek body. They have very pronounced and what could be described as dragon-like scales, and for the platinum, their scales are metallic looking.

These fish can flow gracefully through the water. However, these impressive fish are fast and powerful swimmers. In an instant, they can move to their prey with little to no detection for their next meal. They can also jump out of the tank in a second. For this reason, they are sometimes called the “monkey fish.”

The platinum, and other Arowana, are known to grow to roughly three feet long in captivity, but the fish has been reported to grow to almost four feet long in the wild. That’s a big fish to be jumping out of the aquarium.

What Does the Platinum Eat?

These fish have been known to eat fish, birds, mice, and even snakes, among other types of animals. However, their main diets consist of insects, crustaceans, small fish, and animals that swim near the top of the water.

As pets, Arowana can be fed ghost shrimp, live and frozen fish, and bloodworms.

Can You Keep Other Fish with an Arowana?

It goes without saying, that if you plan on keeping your platinum (which is illegal to own, remember?) in a tank with another fish, you need to be very careful about the fish you select, or their tankmates may become Arowana food. With that said, it’s often recommended to keep your Arowana in a tank by itself. It will probably just work out better because of their aggressive and feisty nature.

How Long Can the Platinum Arowana Live?

The platinum can live a very long time. These fish are known for living for 15 to 20 years at a time. So caring for these fish is a commitment for their owners.

Why Are Arowana Illegal in the United States

The Arowana is illegal to own in the United States because they are on the endangered species list. They are protected by the Endangered Species Act. In 1973 an agreement was signed by over 180 countries designating the Arowana as a rare species and banning the fish from trade.

Lucky and Expensive!

Some believe that platinum Arowana can bring about good luck. And, again, this is one of the most sought after fish around (but again, illegal), but these fish are extremely rare. And, it is for this reason that these fish have sold for as high as $300,000. That’s a lot of dough for one fish. I certainly hope these fish do bring their owners good luck. But let me remind you for a final time, this fish is illegal to own in many places around the world.

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